Pediatric Events And Conferences
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During your residency, you will have many opportunities for hands-on education, conferences and events to further your training and deepen your knowledge base.
Morning Report
Morning report takes place every Wednesday morning. Report is in person and over Zoom, allowing all residents to attend, regardless of which rotation they are on.
Pre-Continuity Clinic Teaching
The hour prior to continuity clinic is protected to discuss the weekly reading as assigned from the Yale Curriculum in Primary Care Pediatrics.
Wednesday Teaching Days
Residents are excused from all clinical activities every Wednesday from 3 - 6 p.m. for teaching time. Wednesday teaching day involves lectures from faculty, journal club, resident lectures, board review, games and wellness activities.
Grand Rounds
Our faculty host quarterly grand rounds in person and over Zoom, allowing all residents and community physicians to attend.
SIM Lab Day
During orientation, annually, residents spend a day together running simulation cases and passing on education on lumbar punctures and intraosseous insertion. Nothing solidifies what you have learned like having to teach it to a new intern!
We have also purchased virtual reality simulation cases for each resident from Health Scholars, who have worked in collaboration with the AAP to enhance resident simulation education!
Annual TCPS Symposium
We believe strongly that attending conferences is an important part of education and networking. All residents are excused from their rotations to attend the Tucson Community Pediatric Specialists Conference every year.